(800) 527-7367

Three Part Specification Guide

Section 10 44 00: Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets, & Accessories

Part 1: General

1.01 Work Included
A. Fire Extinguishers
B. Cabinets
C. Accessories

1.02 Related Work
A. Section 09 91 00 - Painting
B. Section 21 11 00 - Facility Fire-Suppression

1.03 References
A. NFPA 10 - Portable Fire Extinguishers
B. ADA Accessibility Guidelines
C. UBC Standard 7-5 (ASTM E-814-83) - Fire-rated cabinet option for combustible and non-combustible walls

1.04 Quality Assurance
A. Conform to NFPA 10 requirements for portable fire extinguishers.
B. Provide fire extinguishers. cabinets. and accessories by single manufacturer.

1.05 Submittals
A. Submit product data in compliance with Section 01 33 00.

PART 2: Products

2.01 Acceptable Manufacturers
A. Where shown on the drawings, provide fire extinguishers. cabinets, accessories manufactured by Larsen's Manufacturing Co., 7421 Commerce Lane N.E.,. Minneapolis, MN 55432 (763) 571-1181 or (800)527-7367.

2.02 Fire Extinguishers
A. Water Type: Larsen's PW Series
B. Dry Chemical Type: Larsen's MP or DC Series
C. Carbon Dioxide Type: Larsen's CD Series
D. Wet Chemical Type: Larsen's WC Series
E. Water Mist Type: Larsen's WM2½
F. Halotron I Type: Larsen's HT Series

2.03 Fire Extinguisher Cabinets (Fire-Rated CabinetArchitectural SeriesMedallion Series,Gemini SeriesCameo SeriesOccult SeriesDetention CabinetsFire Blanket Cabinets)
A. Where indicated on drawings. provide Larsen's ________ Series, model number _____ with _________ door. Door and trim to be fabricated from (cold-rolled steel, aluminum, stainless steel, solid brass or solid bronze). Special painted surfaces, color anodized aluminum, and graphics as indicated.
B. Provide cabinets with fire-rated option, if applicable.

A. Fire Blankets and Cabinets
B. Vigilante Cabinet Alarm
C. Extinguisher Brackets

PART 3: Execution

3.01 Inspection
A. Verify that rough openings for cabinets are correctly sized and located.

3.02 Installation
A. Install the items of this Section in strict accordance with the original design, approved shop drawings, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction, as approved by the Architect, anchoring all components firmly into position.