All-Aluminum Replacement
Doors & Frames
- Why should the appearance of your existing fire cabinets detract from the aesthetics of your building?
- In case of a fire, would your fire equipment cabinets function properly? Or, could they possibly expose you to liability problems?
- Why replace the entire cabinet when you can "face-lift" with Larsen's all-aluminum replacement frames and doors?
- Corrosion & Weather Resistant
- Custom Made to Fit Any Size or Brand
- Clear Satin Anodized Finish
- Lasting Beauty
- Manufactured for Easy Installation
Why Accept This...

When you can have this?

These frames and doors are an economical and effective method of beautifying old extinguisher, hose and valve cabinets.
Each assembled unit comes complete with frame and door, hinge and appropriate glazing or aluminum panel.
For over a quarter of a century, Larsen's has been a leading manufacturer of functional and architecturally specified fire protection cabinets for the new construction industry. We now are pleased to offer this new product to the renovation and replacement market.
Please See Worksheet